

This post is on Overfitting, what it is and why it matters.


What is overfitting exactly? Why does it matter?

The truth is the word has a few definitions, and depending on who you ask and the context in which the word is used you may receive a wildly different answer. When I talk about overfitting I am not referring to when someone has outgrown their old pants or when a pipe is too large for it’s receiver. I’m talking about it’s use in statistics. Here, overfitting is a common pitfall in data analysis where a particular model explains observations in a dataset too precisely and confidently.

Wait though, wouldn’t explaining data accurately and with confidence be a good thing?

Well yes, accurately detailing trends in a dataset is considered a good thing but if that explanation isn’t useful when applying it to future datasets than it defeats the purpose of why we are even here. To predict the future! Just because a model perfectly explains the information in a given dataset does not mean it is a) a great model and b) suitable to explain other observations it has yet to encounter. One sign that your model may be overfitted to your data is when there is very low variance that it fails to account for. In fact, if a model has been trained to predict patterns of data in an original ‘training dataset’ too strongly, it will struggle with making close approximations about patterns in new datasets that vary in small or large ways that may or may not be interesting (natural variation vs error).

Of course, we want to build a model that accurately accounts for both present and future observations, however, if the model is overfitted to the present data than it will struggle with predicting new information that do not fit cleanly into the distribution of the original dataset it was trained on. This is a common issue and there are many ways to combat this problem, however, that goes beyond the scope of this topic.

The fact of the matter is data is very messy, and will not arrive in identically similar ways because measuring phenomena in the world is a complex and difficult endeavor. A delicate balance always needs to be struck between highlighting interesting variation in a dataset and ignoring aspects that are simply noise, and mark my words, noise will almost always exist.

That was a lot of words, let’s break it down visually. What are examples of different kinds of fittings? Below you will find examples of a) underfitting, b) appropriate fitting, and c) overfitting that outline how different quadratic functions of models can be fitted to data. Bear in mind, not all models are made equal!

Here are examples of different “fits” on the same data:

The images above represent three examples of different functions that capture trends in a set of observations (i.e ‘X’ and ‘O’). In each of the above pictures the aim of the model is to best capture the position of ‘O’ and ‘X’ datapoints as they are distributed across the x- and y-axis. However, some capture the data better than others. The far right image is an example of overfitting where the function has been forced to fit all of the ‘O’ observations and all of the ‘X’ observations. As you can see it captures it perfectly! But how do you think it would hold up if a new dataset was presented on the same 2-plane axis? Probably not very well since observations tend to move at least slightly within a distribution and if any of these data points were to move in the axes, the model would hold much less predictive power. This is what is meant by picking a suitable model over a perfect model. We are interested in generalizing our predictions to other phenomena, not perfectly modeling observations that already exist, anyone can do that.

Conversely, on the left image you have under-fitting where the model hasn’t been trained adequately to grasp patterns in a dataset that are clearly meaningful signals. In those cases the predictive power of the model will be impaired as well, and so the delicate balance between both extremes leads to an appropriate fit shown in the middle. Here, you can see that the appropriate fit does not capture the data perfectly, however, it does do an excellent job at explaining the general direction of the trend while leaving enough room for observations to potentially fall on either side of the quadratic function. Essentially, this model predicts the trend well but also leaves room for error within the distribution, which will almost always exist.

Why does this topic even matter?

This topic matters a ton! In the current data-driven world we inhabit, humans are increasingly relying on data to aid their decision-making across both their personal and professional lives. Making an informed decision about anything hinges on the quality of the information being received, and the estimations made based on that information. We do this by building effective, properly fitted models that make accurate predictions about the future. From marketing to production lines to brain-imaging to product design and consumption, analytics play a role across many facets of society. My hope is that you now understand what the term overfitting refers to in statistics, the consequences of overfitting statistical models and what the balance is when fitting a model to data.

Alex Hope
MSc. Candidate in Data Science